We can help you!
Hormone Balance
Hormones are an enormous and often overlooked reason for illness and disease. Hormones are the messengers that direct all the chemical reactions (metabolism) in your body that are essential for life. We would not be able to survive without hormones. Balancing hormones is critical to your health and yet many people are living in disharmony with their natural biorhythms which are controlled by hormones.
Blood Sugar Balance
80 million Americans suffer from Insulin Resistance. This is the Colossal Hormone that makes us Sick, Tired, Fat, and often Depressed. In excess, it causes Inflammation and Chronic Disease. This hormone is like fertilizer for your fat cells. Once you learn how to naturally regulate insulin you will understand how you can shift your body from fat storage to fat-burning. Insulin affects everyone, but some produce a large belly,
Blood Pressure
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in every three American adults deals with high blood pressure. The good news is a high blood pressure diagnosis doesn’t mean you’re destined for a life of prescription medications. It’s relatively easy to lower your blood pressure naturally.
High Cholesterol
Your body naturally produces all of the cholesterol that it needs. When you take in cholesterol from outside sources, your body produces less to make up for the difference, but taking in too much can throw off the body’s natural ability to regulate levels safely.
Weight Struggles
Awarded The Best of the East Bay Weight Loss Program, we are proud to say we’ve helped people lose thousands of pounds over the years and keep them off! You’ve got to recognize that being overweight is nothing more than poor health.
Inflammation is the underlying cause of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, obesity, . . . we could go on and on, but you get the picture. It even causes joint and muscle pain called ‘arthritis’. In fact, you can attach the Greek term “itis” to any body part, and that means it is inflamed.
Physical Pain
Chronic pain is defined as pain that persists longer than the natural healing recovery period associated with a disease or injury. It’s good to remember that pain is subjective and only the person experiencing the pain knows how it truly feels.
Acid Reflux
Your body naturally produces digestive enzymes; however, it cannot naturally produce enough digestive enzymes to keep up with the typical Western diet, which is full of enzyme-depleted cooked and processed foods.
Thyroid Imbalance
Thyroid problems are extremely common and even people who have “normal” blood lab tests still suffer from symptoms. Hypothyroidism is often missed and underdiagnosed because the symptoms are vague and often imitate many…
Sexual Dysfunction
We hear this problem far too often in our practice from those who suffer libido-crashing mood disorders that interfere with their lives. While easy to discount, low sex drive as ‘just a part of getting older,’ more and more young people are struggling with not being ‘in the mood.’
Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Everybody deals with anxiety or depression sometimes. In the appropriate contexts, they are healthy and natural responses to the ups and downs of life. However, if you are feeling anxious or depressed to the point where it is impacting your everyday life, including your work or relationships…